
花木兰主题曲:Loyal Brave True

  • 主题曲:Loyal Brave True
  • 演唱者:克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉
  • 填    词:
  • 作    曲:
  • 歌    词:
    War is not freedom
    Over my shoulder
    I see a clearer view
    All for my family
    Reason I'm breathing
    Everything to lose
    Should I ask myself in the water
    What a warrior would do
    Tell me underneath my armor
    Am I loyal brave and true
    Am I loyal brave and true
    Losing is easy
    Winning takes bravery
    I am a tiger's fool
    Out in the open
    No one to save me
    The kindest of whispers are cruel
    Should I ask myself in the water
    What a warrior would do
    Tell me underneath my armor
    Am I loyal brave and true
    Am I loyal brave and true
    Cold is the morning
    Warm is the dream
    Chasing the answers
    'Til I can't sleep
    Will I be stronger
    Or will I be weak
    When you're not with me
    Who am I without my armor
    Standing in my father's shoes
    All I know is that it's harder
    To be loyal brave and true

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